Store Hours :: Mon - Sat 10am - 8pm & Sun 12pm - 6pm EST

Battery Warning

Stacking Batteries Warning and Planet Vapor Inc. does not suggest stacking batteries in a metal, nor other material, tube mod of any kind and will not be liable or responsible. We advise you to not stack batteries. If you stack, you are doing so at your own risk.

Lithium Ion Battery Warning

CAUTION: When working with Li-ion cells, they are very sensitive to charging characteristics and may explode if mishandled.

User should have enough knowledge on Li-Ion rechargeable batteries in charging, discharging, and assembly before use.

Put the batteries in fire-proof container.

Never leave batteries unattended when charging or while in use.

Do not put batteries on wood surface or carpet when charging. Make sure to charge in Fire-Proof container.

Correct, Rechargeable Batteries should only be used. Non-Rechargeable batteries that are used, then charged, create a safety hazard. We are not responsible for damage of any modification to the batteries in form or shape.

We are not responsible for any damage caused by misuse or mishandling of Li-Ion batteries. and Planet Vapor Inc. shall hold neither liability nor responsibility for the use and/or misuse of its products, which include, but are not limited to, electronic cigarettes, Li-Ion batteries, and/or E- Liquid. Customers and users should use at their own risk.